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Generally, I have to admit, that AP Kog'Maw is not as strong as he used to be in the past for higher elo, but in lower one, where people don't know how to close up games, he is really strong and easy to climb with, if you can play him right. If we consider engage, you can always imagine, that if there are champions that dive on you, it's hard to deal with it, even though if you keep decent vision on sides and you won't let enemy team to flank you, it's mostly quite fine.Ĭompared to that, healing is bigger problem, because champions like Soraka or Nidalee pretty much negates your poke, which is forcing your team to go into straight fight, where you are forced to play it right and do required damage. Generally if you are able to hold on long enough, you will at some point become unstoppable beast, that is very hard to handle, since your ultimate is spell with probably longest range, if we consider spells that you can constantly spam.Īnother problem is, that you are having hard time to deal with two things - engage and excessive sustain. For that reason you mainly want to play him whenever you feel confident, that you can reach mid/late game. To sum it up - I tried to give here some relatively versatile and reliable ADC build, that should somehow generally work quite well in most cases, but obviously if you want to always get the best out of every situation, you will always have to make some changes to it.īut after all, as I said - this is mainly AP Kog'Maw guide, so let's stick to that!ĪP Kog'Maw's weakness was always his early game. Another example is, that you don't have to run on-hit Kog'Maw and you can go for ordinary crit-adc build, which I have seen as well and it was working (not sure about it's performance in comparison though). Same goes for Coup de Grace vs Cut Down, which you should choose depending on how tanky enemy teamcomp is.

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Basically you have to always consider your teamcomp + enemy teamcomp, because you can always decide to give up Sorcery offtree and go for Resolve offtree instead. Obviously, this is not the one and whoever will try to tell you, that there is one and only build, that will fit every situation, then he lies. Generally speaking, my ADC build was created by using common sense + what I usually used to build when I was playing ADC Kog'Maw + what I have been seeing by players, considering their performance.

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Though I have been receiving some questions regarding ADC build, so I decided to include it, even though I won't be putting some huge commentary on that and even though I very rarely play ADC version of Kog'Maw. Please be aware, that this guide is mainly focused on AP version of Kog'Maw. To wrap it up - matchup is hard, but playable as any other and here it's really important to play it right - then it will become way easier than it seems to be. If you get your Lich Bane, you can even oneshot her in a single combo, unless she uses Zhonya. So it's a bit of risk, but in lategame again, if you position yourself right, you might get win condition on your side again after you hit level 16, because she will have problem dealing with your poke and even get on you if you stand far away. If she gets kills from other lanes, you mostly can't simply follow, unless you have really well warded jungle and you know where you are going, but mostly it's not worth it. What is problem though, is her roaming potential. If you position yourself right and farm, she shouldn't be able to kill you and if you wait for right moment, you can even get kill 1v1 against her, but as I said, you just have to play perfectly. It means, that this lane might go really well or really badly. I rated her as really high, even though really precise gameplay, can make this matchup quite easy.

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Good old Katarina, I guess anyone who plays mages knows how annoying her jumps can be, together with her damage output. Lategame you will simply abuse your range against him, but till you get there it's going to be hard, unless he gets behind by not getting any kills off roams or lane. Just ward around mid and don't try to follow his roams too much unless you have perfect vision, otherwise he might set-up for trap and punish you for that. It's really important to get at least Seeker's armguard here, to not get oneshotted whenever he ults you, since it should provide you enough armor to live through his burst combo, if you are at least a bit careful. After 6 you need to show a lot of respect and try to farm from distance (or possibly poke if you can). For this guy, just try to harass him pre-6, which you should be able to, but be aware of his W,E,Q combo, because now more than before it hurts when he procs his Electrocute. Zed is a bit like Katarina - if you play it right, you are good against him, but if you do even the one mistake and he uses it against you, then you are going to pay really high price.

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